Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal

How Good is the Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal?

Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal Review

The twin series tap delay pedal from Donner is an affordable pedal which incorporates three different types of delay types in one box.  One of the striking things about this pedal is its layout.  It’s rare to see a pedal that’s this short and wide in terms of design but it works.  The great thing about this unique wide design is you won’t accidentally tap the wrong button by accident.

Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal
Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal

The Layout

The layout is very simple.  We have a level, feedback, and delay pots on the top.  These three controls affect the overall mix, repeats, and speed of the delay effect.  The “delay” control is also the same as the tap tempo button so you can use both or one or the other.  The tap tempo feature makes it really easy to get “on time” with the music.

Delay Types

The three delay types in this Twin Series Tap Delay pedal are Analog, Digital, and Reverse.  These three modes all sound different and all are noise free in their design.  This pedal has zero issues with noise and hiss.  I’ve not only used this in the video review below but I have also used it live with no problems at all.

Something to Mention

The only small thing to take note of is the fact the effect doesn’t love being switched from Analog to Digital while the repeats are in effect.  For best results turn the effect off from the left button, switch effects, then turn it back on.  This way it won’t do anything weird.   Overall this is a great sounding pedal for a great price.

Build Quality

The build quality of the Twin Series Tap Delay is great.  The switches feel good and very expensive and the enclosure is made of metal.  Unlike a lot of inexpensive effects donner build their pedals out of a robust enclosure so I doubt you’ll have any issues with dropping or mistreating it (to a point of course).

Who is the pedal for?

The Donner Twin Series Tap Delay is great for anything from adding delay to a blues solo and also for ambient players.  The cool thing about the pedal is it works great in the effects loop and also in the front end of the amp.

This is also great for someone on a budget.  Compared with other boutique pedals on the market this will save you some money.  The great thing about Donner pedals is they are inexpensive but they actually sound good which is a point of difference compared with a lot of inexpensive pedals.

Donner Twin Series Tap Delay Pedal
Buy it Here

I’ve said it before that I think Donner is responsible for making a lot of the best inexpensive effects on the market today.  You’ll often see their pedals re-branded and sold under different names.

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