Mooer GE200 Pedal

The Mooer GE-200 Multi-Effects Pedal Review

The Mooer GE-200 Effects Pedal is a total game changer when it comes to live and studio recording tools.  You might be thinking to yourself that this is another disposable digital effects pedal? right? Wrong! The Mooer GE-200 is kind of like the Kemper profiling amplifier mixed with a Line 6 Helix.

What does the Mooer GE-200 do? It allows you to use it direct to a PA system, mixer, or sound card for direct recording.  Thanks to the amplifier, cabinet, and microphone options it makes recording a breeze.  I also had a chance to use this live and it sounded great in the front of house mix.   You can of course also turn off the Cabinet and amp simulation and use it straight into your favourite guitar amplifier.

One of the best things about this unit that a lot of reviews fail to mention is the fact you can use it with third party impulse responses. If you have a favourite Celestion IR for example you can load that into the unit and use it.  Not only that but you can also arrange the order of the effects within the virtual chain of the unit.

The video above covers a lot of the features of the GE-200 but not quite all of them.  There’s so much to cover but I tried my best to give a good overview of everything involved in the unit.

I had no expectations for this unit but I was really blown away by it and I am putting it in my top 5 pedals of 2018.

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